Sustainability DMC Norway

At Z Event DMC, we are certified as an Eco-Lighthouse company, including for green events, and we use the Green Producers Tool to calculate emissions for every single event, even the smallest ones. This tool is also used to calculate our internal emissions, which we report to Eco-Lighthouse annually.
Our partners are required to sign and adhere to our Code of Conduct, which outlines our positions on ethics, sustainability, social norms, and how we engage with people and society.
In our office, we have implemented several initiatives, including waste sorting, a cafeteria focused on minimizing food waste, monthly sustainability tips, and a strong team spirit where we ensure everyone’s physical and mental well-being is prioritized."
With this in mind, we are taking action to ensure that the local people in our destinations will benefit from our business.
We are very conscious of the environment. We are fully committed to finding ways by which our activities have less impact on the environment. Furthermore in our office: Avoid paper work as much as possible. We use our ICT infrastructure to send invoices and quotes by email as PDFs or wetransfer. We shut our computers and printers down after work or when not in use . We encourage the use of low impact transport for travel to and from work or business travel.